Happy Winter Solstice everyone!
Today is the day, in the northern hemisphere, when thanks to the tilt of the earth, we lean furthest from the sun in its orbit. Meaning, today is the shortest day of the year in terms of sunlight. This also means that the return of the sunlight, slowly, begins tomorrow!
Pintail Duck at Huntley Meadows - Photo credit: Me!
- Disinfect and refill your bird feeder. Get to know your feathered neighbors a little bit more.
- Visit a nature center (like this one).
- Leave a brush pile in your yard over the winter for small creatures to get some protection from the elements.
- Sign up for a class or program in 2022 that connects you with wildlife, or with other people who appreciate wildlife. (Ex: Ornitherapy - or birding for mental health, FREE)
- Read about native plants and think about planting some in your yard come spring (enter your zip here to read about plants native to your area)
- Light a candle for over one million animals that were killed in the US by vehicle collisions this year, and slow down on the road near wooded areas.
- Visit your local library and pick up a book from the section on animals and wildlife for fun holiday reading.
- Visit one of Virginia's 40+ State Parks, or book a relaxing cabin retreat for Jan/Feb to reconnect with nature after the holidays.
- Pull out the art supplies and draw, paint or sculpt your favorite woodland creature.
- Join an organization like the Herpetological Society, your local Audubon, or a Friends of Organization for a nearby park, to set you on a path to meet like-minded friends next year.
- Cuddle up with someone you love and watch David Attenborough.
- Purchase binoculars and go to a wildlife refuge to view migrating ducks.
- Donate to an organization that is working to protect wildlife in your community (like this one).
- Be a citizen scientist - even from your own living room, by doing Project Feeder Watch (learn more here).
Blessed be, all ye who love and honor wildlife.
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